TATE has published their findings regarding software preservation:
Manual for the Curation and Display of Interactive New Media Art
A guide for no-budget game events planing (developed by Lorenzo Pilia):
Calendar with indie game events and play festivals worldwide (developed by Zuraida Buter):
Thesis and papers on curating, collecting and conservation of videogames:
Helen Stuckey papers on preservation, curating and collectionism.
Diffused Museums: Networked, Augmented, and Self-Organized Collections. John Bell & Jon Ippolito. Museum Media, Part 4. Extending the Museum. 2015
Videogames in the museum: participation, possibility and play in curating meaningful visitor experiences. Gregor White & Lynn Parker, AAH 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference & Book fair, University of Edinburgh, 7-9, April 2016
Heuristics from Curating and Exhibiting Game Art in the 21st Century. Lindsay Grace. DiGRA, 2017
Contemporary video games and the museum. Whats next? Sarah Brin & Michael McMaster, DiGRA, 2018
Towards a History of Videogame Exhibitions. Emilie Reed, DiGRA, 2018
Preserving Video Game Significance: A Practical Guide for Video Game Preservation, Exhibition, and their Significant Properties. Benjamin C. Todd. Johns Hopkins University,Museum Studies Digital Curation Certificate Program 2019
Creando un nuevo tablero de juego. Arte y tecnología: curaduría de artgames y videojuegos experimentales en el museo María Luján Oulton. Master Thesis, Fundación Walter Benjamin. Buenos Aires, 2020. (Spanish)
Talks on video game curation:
Curating Video Game Culture: The New Wave of Video Game EventsGame Developers Conference, 2014
Curating Videogames. A MAZE Festival, 2015 (Marie Foulston)
Curating videogame panel. A MAZE Festival, 2016 (Jo Summers, Simon Bachelier, Stephan Schwingeler, Zuraida Buter)
Curating videogames.Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, 2018 (Marie Foulston)
Art of the interface microtalks + open panel. GAIA, 2019 (Saisha Grayson, Stephan Schwingeler, Aden Solway)